Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Why I Like Blogging

Hello once again.  Blogging is quickly turning into a international pass time and growing by leaps and bounds.  It's getting competitive but I never focus on that aspect, too busy blogging on a daily basis.  My theory is that if you have any writing talents at all,  your readers will be inclined to keep stopping back and traffic will grow by shares,  and shares will grow only with the quality and the craftsmanship  along with ability to present things in a unique manner that sets your blog apart from the rest.  Just keep improving on what you do.

People of all ages want to be informed and that's a universal trait we all share.  If you can be informative and entertaining at the same time,  then you are way ahead of the game.  A wealth of information is available on blogs and it's all quick reading.  While I am not an expert on any particular subject I do know a lot about many different subjects and what I don't know for sure is filled in by research on the topic.  

I love blogging because not only is it a chance to humbly showcase my talents,  but it gives me the opportunity to make a difference in peoples lives,  even if only in some small way,  I want my readers to take something new and useful away with them.  I'm not better than anyone else,  I just sometimes see things in a unique light.  I love to appeal to peoples curious nature and make them think. A little controversy is a good thing.  Too many people just accept things they way they are and never challenge them or try to change them for the better.

There was a time long ago from now that most people were lucky to have 1 or 2 books in their household to read and one of them was almost always a bible. The other was probably a farmers almanac or even a classic book of some kind that was ordered or gifted.  Farmers depended on their almanac type publications for planting tables, weather and the likes,  that was very helpful to an agrarian society.  Information was a valuable commodity in those days and people were starved for it. So how come we are still starved for it and can't get enough when it's at our fingertips at the click of a mouse?  Because a lot of the info out there is the same old repeated over and over and some of it's written by people that are just plain misinformed.  No wonder people are skeptical about a lot of what they read.  One must be to be well informed.  There's those two words again. At the risk of repeating myself,  to be well informed is to be well armed.

I try my best to blog on a wide range of topics because I want my blog to be far reaching and I want it to grow and expand to epic proportions until all hell breaks loose and see it become a lucrative career. This is where you come in and do your part.  If you like my posts then by all means share them with others,  re-tweet them,  follow me,  and  become a member  Self promotion has never been a strong suit of mine,  but I am trying to improve on that.  If you do the things mentioned above,  then I am truly and eternally grateful for your support.  

I love people,  animals,  nature,  music,  writing,  gardening,  poetry,  cooking,  landscaping reading and too many other things to list here. I can be outspoken and definitely speak my mind,  sometimes at a cost.  I like worthy causes and underdogs.  I thrive on challenge and education.  The world is changing at an alarming rate and it's hard to keep up with some of these changes much less understand them sometimes.

We have more rights and freedoms than most countries allow their populace to enjoy.  it is for that reason that we should always take care to exercise those rights and particularly our right to freedom of speech.  Use it or lose it right?
North Americans are usually quick to step up to the plate when these rights are in jeopardy and I hope we never stop standing up to bureaucrats when they start getting backwards ideas that threaten what our Countries Forefathers fought so hard to gain at such a high cost.     

Remember to share if you like this post. Thank You.
Do Have A Good Day And A Pioneering Spirit.

                        Jeffrey R Hilton

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