Friday, December 30, 2011

What You Don't Know Can Hurt You

From the time we are in school,  we constantly have to arm ourselves with more and more information about all kinds of different things pertaining to living life,  and constantly make decisions that affect it.  With the proper teachers,  decent role models and luck on our side,  We grow and flourish. We also learn as much as possible about what can hurt us or even kill us and we often fall short because of our sometimes reckless approach to life,  misleading information,  bravado, peer pressure, morbid curiosity, naivety  or even our own perversity.

The very government agencies like the FDA and Health Canada,  supposedly in charge of keeping us safe, healthy and helping us avoid chemicals detrimental to our health are instead,  a real and viable threat to us.  With overwhelming medical and scientific findings regarding the  devastating impact ingesting Aspartame and it's brand name counterparts like NutraSweet,  Equal,  Spoonful and Equal Measure is affecting on millions of people, you would think these agencies would be falling over each other to pull this substance,  compared to eating pesticide,  off the market.  personally this scares the hell out of me.  75% of all health complaints now regarding foods are traced back to Aspartame.  There are no warnings on Aspartame containing products.  

 Little old ladies,  your mom and grandmother are being fooled into thinking they are using a healthy alternative sweetener in their tea and coffee,  are slowly poisoning themselves. What about your children, who are probably consuming the lions share of Aspartame contained in candy and soft drinks.  Why isn't the government stepping up to the plate on this ?  Is it because it's election time and no candidate has balls big enough to stir up a pot this large and controversial that would pull the plug on all the big money makers connected to Aspartame?  Have our health agencies mandates and priorities changed?  

When our own leaders sell us out and frequently try to hide information from us that we should know,  and have every right to know,  then we should take action and challenge it.. It's easier to sit in your armchair and take whatever comes your way and accept that things can't be changed,  than to actually get up and do something exceptional about it.  It's people like the latter that make news headlines and become heroes and are always in short supply and high demand these days.        

Most normal people have an inherent sense of right or wrong,  but we are all gamblers that take chances each day and we are prone to make mistakes,  and we do. Short of breaking the law,  there isn't one thing wrong with making a mistake.  It's okay to admit you made a mistake.  It's a good thing because there are no mitigating factors that suggest that anyone is infallible and perfect,  regardless of age, religion, education or creed. If you don't make mistakes once in awhile,  then you are not trying hard enough in life.  As long as we learn from mistakes and strive towards some degree of perfection, we can't go wrong. This should apply to Governments as well.  

 As we get older,  we are armed with lot's of information,  we learned from experience and just living life  but we still need to know a lot more and on a constant basis.  This opens us up to being lazy and making snap decisions that turn out to be wrong. We need to learn and retain an amazing amount of data,  an endless and ever expanding list. It's no wonder we are subject to information overload and need to get away from it all and unplug once in awhile now more than ever.

 With us now being well into the instant info age we turn to the internet and make a lot of decisions based on information we glean there.  The convenience is hard to resist and it's a time saver if used effectively.  Some people naively believe that if they read it on the internet,  it must be true or fact.  This is akin to believing the same to be true by reading it in the National Enquirer. When gleaning information from the net,  make sure you peruse more than a few different sites to compare info on the topic you are seeking to see if they consistently match or contradict each others information.  If so,  compare with more sites on your subject before making any decisions. To most of us this kind of information is just common sense but it still has to be said for the sake of others.

A lot of people and particularly young people seem to take on a sense of invincibility and conduct their daily lives to reflect that.  It's only when they are given a sharp reminder in the way of a health scare that their invincibility is greatly questioned.  Consuming massive amounts of drugs,  tobacco and alcohol can and will catch up with you just the same as overeating,  not wearing protective equipment while playing sports or inactivity will with sometimes severe consequences.

If what you don't know can hurt you,  then be a know it all and educate yourself as much as possible,  whenever possible.  To be well informed is to be well armed.

Do Have A Good Day And Good Health.                


Collectible Treasures


Not everyone has the kind of room this grandiose display of oil cans takes up.

Oil Cans
Pez  Dispensers

Collecting is an age old hobby that never seems to go out of style. Most collector's really find it a rewarding pass time.  Almost anything can be collected and often is.  Matchbooks,  Die-Cast,  Hot Wheels,  Thimbles,  Dolls,  Cups,  Action Figures,  Tea Pots,  Cars,  Coins,  Stamps,   Old Christmas Cards,  Hats or Caps,  Guns,  Trinkets,  Pictures,  Sports Cards,  Anything goes. The sky is the limit.  At one time I had a collection of over 350 baseball caps. Most I got for free, thankfully and eventually they were all sold on. At another time  I possessed a collection of  old stubby beer bottles which included every beer brewed in Canada in a stubby bottle. These are also long gone.  Sometimes we grow tired of our collections and pass them on or get rid of them,  which in most cases is a good thing. I had a collection of 550 Hot Wheel cars all still in their packages. This I had to sell when I moved country,  but I really enjoyed collecting these and it was a part of my weekly routine.  Some collections become worth a small fortune years later,  making it an even more rewarding hobby. 

Lunch Pails
Here's a Collection I'd Like To Have.
A lot of present day collectibles are reproductions of all things retro and that's fine if that's what you want,  but there are still plenty of original collectibles kicking around and hunting for them is all part of the allure.

Antique Cards

Like any collection,  it's always best to have a purpose built showcase or shelf unit to display your collection,  not only from an aesthetic standpoint,  but it also keeps your collection relatively dust free.   Sealed acrylic display cases come in many sizes now and are more readily available and affordable at craft stores.  

Even collecting something as simple as rocks can be fun,  offering a free unlimited supply and my favorite place for this is at the beach.  This has given me some pretty interesting rock gardens over the years.
These days having lost all my previous collections in one way or other, It's hard to think about having to start any of these collections all over again and I certainly don't want to be labelled as a pack rat, or clutter up my small space too much.
In spite of that,  I have got a little bit of a cactus collection on the go now and a collection of Canadian Nickels.  And then there's the two Hot Wheels I bought the other day.  I guess you just can't hold a good collector down.

Do Have A Good Day;  and happy hunting!


Diamonds and Gold

Diamonds and Gold. One a precious stone,  the other a precious metal.  This is about another kind of diamond and another precious commodity that's worth far more than any mineral or stone, precious or otherwise.  Yes,  I'm talking about the "L" word;  Love!. Any kind of love. The kind of love your heart always  has more room inside for.  The love that only your sons or your daughters could share with you.  The love of your partner,  your  girlfriend, boyfriend,  husband,  wife,  your parents or  your grandparents. Let's not forget your beloved pets.  The thing about love is that it's almost never wasted. It's usually welcomed. The receiver almost always benefits from it and reciprocates.  It's a win win!

Lot's of golden moments present themselves when you are raising children.  It's these moments that we keep tucked away in our hearts for later times when things get tough. Our go to, when we need a reminder. Cherish these moments and do guard them, for they are fleeting and life can be fickle.  You are lucky as  some,  never experience this kind of joy.

Appreciate the love of your parents and give it back unconditionally. You are lucky,  some never know the joy of having  parents.  Cliche or not,  you would not be here but for them.

The love of two people that are equally in love unconditionally. These two can be seen and recognized instantly as they walk around together,  locked into each others minds,  blissfully unaware of anyone else's presence.  My heart goes out to these couples and if we could all have that and it could last forever,  wouldn't that be a grand thing.

Love can be elusive for some and to others, they find it too easy. Some,  have many loves over a lifetime and isn't it true about better to have lost at love that not to have loved at all?  Sometimes love doesn't come easy and it's often said with surety,  that love finds you. If you are looking that's it STOP! Let it come to you. It will. Just be ready without expecting it, because just like opportunity,  you have to recognize it when it comes your way.

Opposites attract. While that's very true, I'm not completely convinced that this is going to be a smooth road to go down, but go ahead if that's where love finds you.  On the same token, if two people are too much alike,  that's not always going to be smooth.  What's important is that you both compliment each others personalities and draw from each others strengths and weaknesses while maintaining your own individual persona's.  It's about give and take, learn and grow.  Respect each others beliefs and never try to force your own opinions.  It's about sharing and sacrifice. Deep mutual respect and unconditional love.

Sometimes love is easy to find, but it's not always easy to keep. It needs to be constantly fed like a fire.  Kindness,  admiration,  compliments, adoration,  going out of your way to do something nice or special. Those are the fuels love burns on.

Sure people can also grow apart and love doesn't always last forever. People change their minds sometimes about what they want and who they want. Love has to work two ways or it soon dies.  When this happens accept it gracefully and move on. If it was meant to be, it still would be. As hard as that is to fathom for some,  it's a fact.  The truth is there is always more than one special person out there for you.  It might not seem like it when you're heart feels like it's broken and shattered, but there is life after a broken heart.

One should never pass up the opportunity to show or display love and or affection,  or even a kindness.  Sometimes the smallest acts can have such a major impact on someones life and will always be remembered.

Your Pets.  When's the last time you showed your dog some love and he or she didn't enjoy it or lap it up like a sponge in a bowl of water. Animals love affection and love and are very attuned to it and you,  and it's always returned unconditionally. Most animals totally respond to love and even thrive on it.

I think by now you see where I'm going with this.  Never underestimate the power of love. Respect that power and cherish any love in your life. It might just go against the odds and last a lifetime. If love comes your way,  treasure it,  Not like diamonds and gold but like something far more valuable.

Do Have A Good Day and ah... Spread the Love!      
                                                                                Jeffrey R Hilton

Thursday, December 29, 2011

The Epitome Of Organized Chaos

Those few that know me well would say that I am very organized or at least that I'm good at organizing.  Sometimes to a fault.  It's what I do and how I do it that adds the chaos to the mix.  I often perform two or three tasks at once and pick a them until they are finished.  I let paperwork pileup in one place for awhile, then break the procrastination cycle and go through it and either chuck it or file it.  
Sometimes,  I won't get my toolbox out unless there is more than one reason to do so or an emergency.  

 I do like things tidy, neat and in their place, hopefully without being too anal about it.  While for some that have the misfortune to be obsessive compulsive, or even dyslexic, being organized is a necessity and anything less is not acceptable.
For most of us, we just like things to be clean, organized and uncluttered,  but some people struggle to maintain any sense of continuous order and are just not good at organizing.  The key to making it all work, is to keep things up and develop habits that  detract from the list of things we have to do to maintain sense of order,  or at least make them easier.

Many of us struggle from having more stuff than can comfortably fit into a small space.  This is where the trouble begins.  Every once in awhile, we need to take an inventory on exactly what we have and are holding onto and ask,  why ?  This is best done before you show up on an episode of Hoarders.


Take a close look at all of  them,  and if you haven't worn them in 2 years,  chances are good that you never will. Throw them out ,  sell them or donate them.  Keep some that are suitable as rags around the house.  Cut them up now and place them all in a sealed box cutting a round small hole in the side for dispensing them and store in the garage or basement for use as needed.  If you sew and like to recycle, see if any of these clothes can be re-purposed into other useful items like clothes pin bags or  shoe pockets or whatever your imagination spells out.

Not everyone is lucky enough to afford expensive  closet company makeovers. But with a few simple tools and a trip to Home Depot,  you can install these yourself.  Just follow the instructions and take your time to do it right.  Otherwise you can add helpful items to your closet that keep things better organized.  Use hangers that can hang more than one item at once,  like a shirt and dress pants on the same hanger or  two or three shirts on a multi hanger.  If you buy these multi hangers,  make sure you buy ones that are sturdy enough.  Some flimsy plastic ones won't hold any excessive weight.

Use one or two plastic roll-away drawers at the bottom of your closet to store smaller items of clothing.  Use storage boxes on your closet shelf to store other items. Make sure you utilize any space under your bed if possible using purpose made storage containers. 

Pantries and Cupboards

Take an inventory of what you have,  check best buy dates and discard anything past date.  Use risers in your kitchen cabinets with three tiers to store cans so that you are able to see them better.  Use transparent sealable plastic containers for bulk items like flour, sugar, cereals and pasta etc. Use the same kind of tiers in your cupboards designed  for dishes.  This is a great idea if you have limited room as you can stack different size dishes on top of each other leaving each size accessible.

Use a plastic container to store packaged  gravy and other packaged spice mixes  together along with bouillon cubes.  Take inventory of your pots and pans then thin them out if you don't use it, or rarely use it, pack it away or get rid of it .  If you've got appliances in your cupboards that you don't use then get rid of them. Chances are that old air popper from 1989 has probably outlived it's usefulness anyway except as a repository for germs.  Go through your utensil drawers and you will probably find you have more knives than you ever use and some you never use. Thin them out. If they are old and dull,  throw them out.  Put one in a tackle box and one in a toolbox. You really don't need 12 paring knives.  Make sure you discard knives responsibly.


Use a shelf unit that fits behind your toilet to save room and free up some space you have in any cabinetry.  Re-purpose empty cleaned out glass candle jars. Save three of the more fancy ones with lids like old apothecary jars and use them for storing Q-tips, cotton balls, denture tablets or whatever you use a lot of leaving it more accessible.  Use a clear natural leave on shower  spray that doesn't need rinsing and spray on tiles and shower glass minimizing any hard cleaning and scrubbing later and keeping ahead of mineral deposits.  I use Method,  it works great and is scented with ylang ylang.

When your living space is organized clean and uncluttered,  it makes everyday tasks easier to perform and creates a more relaxing atmosphere for you to unwind in from the day.

Do Have A Good And...  Organized Day.                        J.R HILTON     



Crusaders Power Society Group/Ban Aspartame

This is a newly formed group I have started on Facebook. You are encouraged to join this group and fight alongside until this dangerous toxic substance is banned and deemed to be unfit for human consumption in the US and Canada. Please educate yourselves against this growing threat to you and your children and be a part of a very worthy cause. Together we can make this happen.
Please share this with as many people as possible.
                                    Sincerely; Jeffrey R Hilton

The Wrecks of Forton Lake Gosport Hampshire U.K.

Forton Lake is a tidal lake in Gosport Hampshire U.K. At it's east end it joins into Portsmouth Harbor.  The lake has been used since Saxon times. When the tide goes out the lake drains almost completely.  I wanted to take these pictures as soon as I saw some of these boats when I moved nearby the lake.  My hope was nothing more than wanting to display these thought provoking boats and the artistic side they provide before they decay even more and disappear altogether. Most are thought to have been used by the Royal Navy in the past as barges and transporters of goods for the navy. They provoke a lot of thought as you stand there and wonder about the colorful people that once owned them and what they got up to.

Parts of the lake are not easily accessed and a small community of houseboats are moored at the western end of the lake. At the west end of the lake, a POW camp for German prisoners of WW2 once stood where there is now a small housing estate and a school.

While this post was only meant to be a Photo Gallery of these boats,  it wouldn't be fair to not mention the citizens of Gosport whom indeed are great and friendly hard working  people that like to have fun and have a long history of perseverance and determination.  If it could be said that Portsmouth residents are colorful then Gosport residents are even more colorful.

Do Have A Good Day Friends;  And Expand Your Horizons At Every Opportunity !

                                                                                            J. R HILTON

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Longevity is something we hopefully gain by having a proper education of what is good for us what is not and other mitigating factors including luck and fate. It wasn't as long ago as you might think that cancer was non existent. Back then there were no man made chemicals and people by the grace of God ate wholesome natural foods free of any chemicals. A lot of the earliest chemicals we used were later banned after more modern research techniques and timed exposure revealed serious side effects to humans and animals from their use. Today the use of chemicals is out of hand. Every drug company you have ever heard of also makes pesticides for crops. These pesticides are very dangerous and some very unstable and reactive. The money that drug companies make from pesticides may even exceed what they profit from drugs.

Agencies that regulate and deem certain chemicals are safe for us to consume or be exposed to are prone to both make mistakes and seriously misjudge the consequences of their release for use. Many studies are clouded by other interfering bodies not limited to kickbacks and other illegal and immoral influence. If it's true that money talks, then drug companies must have a loud and persuasive voice. 

Aspartame the artificial sweetener in many products, has been the subject of controversy for ages including circulation of misleading facts. It's chemical name is ( (Methyl Ester ) and is an ( Aspartic Acid / Phenylalanine Dipeptide. ) Rumored to promote cancer and heavily debated, the fact remains that under the right conditions, you can get Methanol Poisoning from it. I myself try to avoid it as whenever I have drank an Aspartame sweetened soda, I develop a headache soon after and at no other times do I even get headaches usually. After reading all the scientific data available on it, I won't bore you with details but it's a bit scary and I will always continue not to use it. Sometimes these people only tell you what you want to hear. Monsanto bought the Nutra Sweet Company in 1984 , sold on the brand name but stayed in the business of producing Aspartame. What does that tell you ?

The chemical processes that white sugar is produced from are also scary enough that once educated on the process and chemicals used, you would probably forego it altogether like myself, replacing it with Raw Unrefined Cane Sugar. Can you say Bleach Solvents and Animal Derived Charcoal ?

The bottom line is believe you are consuming too many chemicals and act on it. Try to cut out as many things in your diet that are chemically treated or processed as you can and replace them with whole natural alternatives. You will be surprised at your better sense of health and well being for doing it.

Do Have A Good Day My Friends;  And Eat Well Informed.    J R Hilton


Television programming has evolved into something very different in just the last few years. The info age is full speed ahead. It seems if a show isn't about celeb news or a topic like cooking or baking, then it's a reality show. The problem I have with reality shows is that they sometimes are anything but reality. I'm talking about shows like Big Brother and Survival and like shows. There is obviously a large following for this type of show and that's fine if that's what you like for entertainment. Personally and in my opinion, these shows do nothing for me.

Other reality shows like Man vs Wild and Survival with Les Stroud and Gold Rush Alaska are just a few of what I call real, reality shows and they are entertaining and educational. The problem I have with these shows is that the network thinks you want to see repeats over and over and a shows season doesn't contain enough episodes to fill it. As a result, more often than not when I tune in, it's another episode I've seen and look elsewhere.  If you are a fan of the show then it's kind of an insult to your intelligence, like I got it the first time, I don't need to see it three times.When I tune in to watch TV, I want fresh content.
I don't need to see the same commercial back to back for the same reason.
Sometimes TV advertisers don't get it either just like TV producers.

Comedy sitcoms seem to have taken a downward spiral and offer little new content or fresh new shows. I think at this point we need all the laughs we can get as often as we can get them. Old reruns reign supreme on TV and that's fine if you're caught in a time warp and only like what is familiar. How many reruns of Jerry Seinfeld can you watch before your brain starts to look like cold toast ? Yes it was a good show in it's time but for Christs sake, lets move on and get some new shows out there to test the waters.

Infomercials seem to be a way of life for some stations but who watches this crap ? Okay never mind, I know who it is. These network producers and programmers should remember that they are here because of us, and we are not here because of them. Hey, that's profound ! Perhaps they should learn that a target audience is limiting themselves.

I don't even like to watch TV that much but I have been off work for awhile with an injury and this has increased my viewing time of TV more than I care to admit. Yes I know I could get a satellite dish and have many more viewing choices but it would also bring the same problems I have with viewing now, only times X 500.

 People turn the TV on for a variety of reasons but to be entertained should be the main one and entertainment by TV these days is a thin veneer lacking any substance beneath. So how about it guys ?
Let's get some of all this fresh new writing talent that is so readily available today and tap into it. The same old isn't fun anymore. Just saying !

Do Have A Good Day And Don't Lose That Remote.
There May Still Be Hope !

Monday, December 26, 2011

Calgary Alberta Canada

Calgary Alberta Canada

Calgary Alberta Canada.  My City.  Having spent 25 years of my life in Calgary,  It's a city that rarely ever let me down in any way and has provided some of the greatest adventures and experiences I have ever had.  I was only 18 when I first laid eyes on Calgary and that was after hitchhiking over 3000 miles from Ontario to get here in the dead of winter. It took me 3 days to arrive and I had no idea what to expect. Would it be like a Wild West Town ?  I didn't know.  After travelling across the prairies and experiencing  minus 70 degree weather with the added chill factor in Manitoba, I was taken aback when I got here as people were outside in T-Shirts washing their cars in double digit weather surrounded by fast melting snow banks from the last storm they had. While it was hardly like the wild west I thought it might be and cowboy hats are not that popular until Stampede Week and the sidewalks seemed to roll up by 10 PM each night and nightlife was either non existent or in it's infancy. It's alive and well and ever expanding today.    

Calgary has had a huge growth spurt in recent years, swelling to over a million residents. Most of the new influx are immigrants from every corner of the world. Calgary is spread out over an expansive wide area and still has a feel of wide open spaces. New communities and the major shopping centers that go with them have sprung up everywhere spreading outwards and swallowing up a lot of the farmland formerly within city limits.  Anyone that's ever heard of Calgary outside of Canada, no doubt associates our city with the Calgary Stampede, billed as the Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth and the population swells even more every year at Stampede with visitors from around the world.  There is a plethora of other things to do and see here, both inside and outside the city. The Bow River originating from Bow Glacier provides drinking water for Calgary along with the Elbow River pictured below which empties into the Bow in Calgary. Both rivers provide whitewater opportunities along with great camping and fishing.  The rivers are developed with paved and unpaved pathways throughout the city making it appealing for cyclists and joggers alike. There really is something for everyone here.

Elbow River upstream from Elbow Falls

Bow River at Carburn Park Calgary

Some Of  Downtown's East End

Calgary hosts an amazing amount of cultural events.  Chinooks that raise winter temperatures from minus to double digits within a few hours and last anywhere from a few hours to a  days or even a week.  There is a thriving Art community, major Outlet Stores  and . The City is one of contrasts and extremes. The lowest recorded temperature was - 45 c or - 49 f   in 1893 and the highest was + 36 c or 97 f.  A Dry Humid Continental Climate with short summer and long winters are typical. 

The City still doesn't have that overcrowded feel as other large cities like Montreal and Toronto have. What's not to like. Through boom and bust the city has always provided a good living for those that want to work. Real Estate is still reasonably obtainable, price wise. The infrastructure is struggling to catch up with the populace so construction here is non stop.  Skilled Labor is always in demand.  Even today, traffic jams here are mild compared to other major centers.

Oil was discovered here in 1902 and today Calgary is a world leader in gas and oil exploration. Our economy runs mostly on the Petroleum industry as well as Agriculture and Tourism. We are listed on the USDA's plant hardiness scale as Zone 3a making gardening somewhat challenging and short but very doable.

Calgary hosted the first ever Olympic Winter games in 1988.  It was a huge success. Our cities close proximity to Banff National Park offers unmatched wonders and includes The Banff Springs Hotel built in 1887 by the CPR railroad in Scottish Baronial style and replaced in 1911. It wasn't until 1968 that the hotel was fully winterized allowing guests all year round accommodation. The Banff Hot Springs are a major attraction there along with nearby Lake Louise and some of the finest Skiing anywhere.

Banff Springs Hotel
If you have never been to Calgary, put it on your bucket list of places to see. It's well worth it. I have even witnessed the Northern Lights at least once from inside the city. There city are 40 city parks. Many are along the two rivers. Calgary is a very hospitable city full of friendly people.

Princes Island Park in Calgary

Princes Island Park

Bow River at Inglewood Bird Sanctuary

I've only scratched the surface on the variety of sights and reasons that make Calgary such a great city. Come see for yourself.

Do Have A Good Day and see you in Calgary.

                                 J. R Hilton

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Castles For Thought

One of my most favorite things to do in the world. Exploring Castles. It was a lot more doable while living the U.K. Now that I'm back in Canada, it's a lot less of a pastime.
I did however see as many as I could while there, starting in Scotland at Dundonald Castle in Ayrshire near Troon. Ya did your golfers ears perk up there ? As are many castles, it is situated on a hilltop, steeped in history and somewhat in ruin. They have an  amazing glassed in display cases with models of how the hill top looked at different time periods beginning with simple round huts and animal pens and leading to whats left of the present day site. Dundonald Castle is thought to be built in 1371. It was an enjoyable experience but there is little to explore there as it, and the hilltop are small. Sorry to say it only registers a lowly 3 on my Castle Wow Factor.

Dundonald Castle Scotland 1371

It was in beautiful Southsea in Hampshire where I first lived in the U.K. and this is the site of Henry The VIII's castle which isn't really a castle at all but rather a fort. Henry's new pride "The Mary Rose" sank there just off the coast in the solent within view of the castle. It's recovered ruins can be seen in Portsmouth's historic Dockyards nearby,and is really worth seeing along with the rest of the dockyards.
I lived about a 10 minute walk from the castle at the seafront. the picture below is a picture I took during a storm on the day of Spring Equinox. The combination of the high tide and the storm surge was pouring over a bench on the path high above the beach and into the moat of Southsea Castle that day. I had sat on that bench many times in the sun looking out to sea. Blissful !
Castle Wow Factor  Score of 2

Southsea Castle Moat

                       The tunnels below the castle have very low ceilings.

Top Left a Spitbank Fort

Southsea Castle England

Portchester Castle not far from Southsea in Portsmouth's North end is quite unique situated deep into part of Portsmouth Harbor and once a Roman Fort,sits on a huge tract of land.built in 1086, it boasts an intact church and graveyard.
outdoor classical music concerts are held there in the summer.
Castle Wow Factor score 6

Portchester Castle England

Portchester Castle

Portchester Castle

Worn Stairs Portchester Castle

Still in Hampshire England we go across the Solent by Hovercraft from Southsea to the Isle Of Wight. A summer vacation Mecca that boasts many towns and Carisbrooke Castle up the hill from the town of Carisbrooke and I do mean uphill. Anyone would have been bonkers to travel inland to the castle and try to rush up it and over it's many defenses,they would have been too knackered to fight. Having said that, the French did attack it once unsuccessfully.This castle is remarkably intact and of course there is signs of an earlier  Roman Fortification beneath the present castle.
It has a well house with a wheel turned by a team of donkeys that take shifts walking in circles around the well. Carisbrooke is near Newport, the capitol of the Isle of Wight.

Entrance to Carisbrooke Castle Isle Of Wight
Built in 1100
The site of King Charles I's imprisonment and subsequent execution.
The Ramparts can be walked on and they are narrow well worn and scary. I love it.

Carisbrooke Castle

Carisbrooke Castle Entrance
Registers on the Castle Wow Factor Score 9
great place, lot's to see and do.

We leave Hampshire now for Dorset and Corfe Castle and the charming oldy worldly town of Corfe.

Corfe Castle Dorset England

Corfe Castle Dorset near Wareham

Truly a wonder and in bad ruin. Built by William The Conqueror. Unfortunately it was mostly closed off for restoration repairs while I was there. Built around 1066- 1080, the evidence of the 2 sieges against it by Civil War is visible on the outer  curtain walls. The site was in use as early as 978 and it's steeped in rich history associated with King Charles, The War of the Roses.
Castle Wow Factor Score 6

Part of an arched stone gateway and some of the outer walls are all that is left of Bramber Castle on a hilltop in West Sussex. Built in the 11-12th Century, the castle once stood on the coastline but is now about 2 miles inland. There is a lovely ancient church just outside the entrance that is still in use and the grounds themselves lend themselves to lovely picnics and games of Rounders.

Bramber Castle
 Not much to see so, low on the Castle Wow Factor Score 2
Its actually the Church of Saint Nicholas outside the entrance of Bramber that has the wow factor pictured below and once the Castle Chapel.The Castle long gone, the Church stands remarkably unscathed.

Saint Nicholas Bramber Parish Church West Sussex England
 One of my favorites; The Fairy Castle, Arundel Castle in West Sussex.I've toured through this castle twice. It is amazing and still lived in by the Duke of Norfolk and family and associated with Roger DeMontgomery, Empress Matilda. 
Built in 1067 and continually added to over the years to present time.there is a Medieval Tournament there every year and many other activities. Arundel Castle Wow Factor score of 10

Early rendition of Arundel Castle
Arundel Castle on the River Arun
Arundel Castle W. Sussex
The Apartments at Arundel Castle
Dry Moat at Arundel Castle
Defenders of this Castle could rain down 450 arrows a minute on attackers.

The last Castle is also in West Sussex and is now an upscale luxury hotel in Amberley accessible only by reservation. built in the 12th century and fortified in 1377.

Amberley Castle

Amberley Castle

Tree house at Amberley Castle

Castle Wow Factor Score 5

Rear of Amberley Castle

The feelings and vibes you get from these castles and the thoughts they provoke are shall we say, enough to leave you Gobsmacked.
I welcome the chance again to explore more castles in any country but it was a particular privilege to have explored these ones.

Do Have A Good Day As You Make Your Merry Way !

Jeffrey R Hilton