Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Dispelling Health And Wellness Rumors

Dispelling Health And Wellness Rumors

Written by : Jeffrey R Hilton


We as ordinary folk,  often are mislead by advertising that's less than truthful,  and even our own Government's and the agencies they provide that are supposed to protect us,  fall short of achieving their true mandate.

Let's start with Hand Sanitizer's.  Most if not all companies that sell hand Sanitizer's to the general public,  make the claim that the product kills 99% of germs.  This claim is only partially true,  which in my mind is false advertising  misleading and causes people to put their faith largely in these products,  causing them to spend more money unnecessarily and unwittingly jeopardizing their bodies
own natural defenses.

The makers of these products achieve being able to make that kind of claim because testing of the product is undertaken on inanimate objects,  and not on people.  Testing may also be completed in controlled situations with constant variables.  In the real world things are different and the hands are a living warm environment susceptible to invasion by germs and bacteria from outward sources.

Don't be sucked in by false claims

Sanitizer's strip the outer layer of your hands natural oil from the surface,  usually preventing your bodies own bacteria from coming to the surface of your skin.  However
this type of bacteria is not of the variety that can cause illness,  and in fact,  regular use may promote more bacteria on your skin than you would normally have.  The only ingredient hand sanitizer contains that kills germs effectively is alcohol.  It also dries the skin out badly which is why a moisturizer is included in the product.

Sanitizer's do not reduce present bacteria on human hands.
Soap and clean water has always been most effective in eliminating harmful bacteria,  and sanitizer should never be used to replace soap and water.   Anti Bacterial Soap,  of the kind offered to the general market,  and aside from the types used in hospitals,    is another misleading product.  Frequent use,  inhibit's the body's proper immune system reaction.  Once again,  there is nothing like a good scrub with ordinary soap and hot water.

Aspartame,  this stuff is being pushed at us and often consumed without us even realizing.  Aspartame is a deadly silent killer.  If anyone reading this thinks that Monsanto is your friend and beneficial to the health of mankind,  then you'd be seriously misinformed.

Aspartame is toxic and causes cancer,  can induce coma in diabetics,  can harden your brain and even cause Lupus.  It can cause your body weight to increase from the addiction of carbohydrates,  and new discoveries are being made with leaps and bounds that uncover new health related problems stemming from aspartame use.  end of story,  period.  The deadly effects of ingesting aspartame are being put to task and coming to light more and more lately.  Thank Christ for that,  it's about time.  I've harped about the dangers of aspartame for quite awhile now,  and have watched with interest for any new developments to surface in regards to recent and up to date studies.

They studies are coming on more frequently to the point of some health agencies changing the warning on this deadly product from not harmful to harmful if ingested in large quantities.  This is brilliant news,  and a step in the right direction.  A truly good day will be when this poison is outlawed and banned altogether for human consumption.
Please share this post and spread the word any way you can to educate loved ones to avoid aspartame containing products.  You will be glad you did and glad I told you if you didn't already know.

Watch this latest informative news video



Do Have A Good Day And Good Health.

Jeffrey R Hilton


Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Winston & Watson

Watson Making Friends With A Giant Millet Spray

Winston Watson Update

Written by Jeffrey R Hilton

Winston and Watson are doing well. Well fed,  well groomed and well amused and playful.  A container of warm water is put into their cage now regularly,  and they almost always get in and bathe,  one at a time with Watson enjoying a higher pecking order and going first.  Sometimes they get impatient for another bath and I've seen Winston climb right into their water cage cup and proceed to bathe,  often leaving the cup near empty when finished.

The birds are provided with fresh hay every few weeks and they always go to work immediately and don't stop stuffing it into their main nest until every piece is either used or on the floor beside the cage,  perhaps rejected by quality control.  I'm surprised that the nest hasn't burst yet with half a bag of hay inside.

There's 2 new kids on the block around here that go by the name of Bandit,  and Bella. They are the latest addition to the Finch club.  Bengalese,  or Society Finches.

From left to right,  Winston,  Watson,  Bella,  Bandit

Winston and Watson didn't seem very pleased at all to have a new room mate and Watson was a bit mean and attacked bandit a few to many times.  They got along a bit better for a few days,  but since,  I've had to go out and buy another cage as the Zebra Finches are just to aggressive towards the others and won't let them settle into the cage.  they were also chasing their new room mates out of their own nest.  Problem solved.

Bandit's chirp resembles a remote for a car door.  He sings very well already for a youngster.  He can walk up and down the bars and hang on them anywhere,  including the roof.  He's even happy to sing while hanging on the side of the cage.  Society Finches are not found in the wild and were domesticated many centuries ago by mating a breed of Finch with perhaps a Mannikin ( Waxbill )(Lonchura,family )

Chestnut Breasted Manikin


Do Have A Good Day

Jeffrey R Hilton

Monday, February 27, 2012

Blog Wild ! Animal Poetry ( The Wolf ) ( The Bear )

Blog Wild !  Animal Poetry

Written by : Jeffrey R Hilton

The Wolf

The wolf was here,  I see his tracks
I feel his high spirit borne on the light of the full moon
As he stealthily hunts to feed the kits
A distant howl a kills been made
A signal to the pack
He's made the grade
Majestic as natures grandeur
The wolf shares his spirit
His soul laid bare
So we might adopt it
And begin to care
About the rhythm of natures heartbeat
Still wake to find it there
Like all of God's creatures
The wolf will lead you there.

Written by : Jeffrey Robert Hilton


The Bear

The Bear,  master of the forest
King of the ice,  keeper of the mountain
Revered and feared 
Steeped in lore
Utters his sentiments with a mighty roar
He owns the forest,  it's sure not us
A meal of fish or a fattened deer
Then off he goes when the coast is clear
He does his best to keep from sight
Which isn't easy with his bulk and might
He commands respect without a sound
people take notice when he's around
So let him to,   his forest home
And make some noise 
To let him know you're there
So you don't surprise him
After all he is a bear
That commands respect without a sound
With his own constellation,   where stars abound.

Written by : Jeffrey R Hilton

Feb 27 2012


Do Have A Good Day And A Good Spirit.


Jeffrey R Hilton

The Peace Project

The Peace Project

Written by : Jeffrey R Hilton

War just seems to go on and on,  as soon as one war is finished another is started,  and often before.  Is there even a chance to see and feel what the experience of world peace would be like ?  The world we live in today is a constant battle for freedom from oppression,  extremist groups whose only mandates are murderous, cowardly acts of terrorism  as most of the world stands by to see what is next.

The international watchdogs,  monitor for acts of genocide and violations to human rights,  but have little powers to stop the madness.  They have the power to generate sanctions and keep the world informed,  but is this the best we can do ?

In a world of peace,  there is no room for extremist groups and oppression of human rights.  I think we could do much better on the international stage.  Committing troops to actions against those that commit atrocities or supplying the local oppressed with weapons,  doesn't seem to be very effective.

If we are to ever see peace,  we need to fight fire with bigger fire.  To move swiftly to catch and detain anyone or extremist groups,  before they become runaway emergencies.  Hunting down terrorists groups should be something done with lightning speed and deadly accuracy.
Why not send a whole battalion of Gurkha's,  backed by the international community,  on a series of search and destroy missions until every one of these bastards are caught,  and thus,  crushing their organizations.

That might sound a bit extreme,  but do you have a better idea ?  There's something inherently wrong with a bible
( Quran ) that advocates war as a necessity,  and calls it Holy war.  Funny that the Christian Bible was rewritten to reflect the times,  while the Quran still reflects murderous barbaric actions.  What exactly does killing and war have to do with any God ? 

It's time Moslems woke up and started acting with civility and learning how to fit in with a peaceful society and become part of the peace process,  rather than a hindrance to it.  North America doesn't have any particular stellar record in regards to human rights,  but at least it's recognized it's shortcomings and made great moves to improve it's record and make amends for it's past mistakes.

If countries were allowed to concentrate their efforts on peace and solving modern day problems instead of directing all their resources on war,  just think of the great things we could accomplish together.  I always like to use the analogy
that if we as North Americans,  went to any Moslem country and built an Anglican church  there,  would it even get to be completed before it was destroyed ?  And yet,  how many Mosques are in just,  North America alone ?  Something doesn't add up here.


All these Moslem's demanding equal rights and special considerations in our countries,  when little or none exist for us in their countries,  even as visitors,  gets tiring after awhile.  If I could count the number of foreigners in other peoples countries that constantly state how great their countries are,  I would say to them,  What the hell are you doing here then ?  How can you be patriotic to your country
when you live in a foreign country ?  Bleeding heart Liberalism has more to do with giving in and conceding while all hands are in the cookie jar,  than it does with looking out for your countries best interests.

It doesn't matter where you are from,  what matters is that you a decent enough human being to see through the thin veil of war ideals and do your part to advocate peace.  While many technological advances were invented through war efforts,  I think we would be even more advanced had we for all those times, were allowed to invent and advance through times of peace.

It's time we learned how to achieve lasting peace.  I don't know about you,  but for me,  while I certainly know how to fire a gun,  I would rather sit in a peaceful mountain meadow and listen to the songbirds.  War is Hell !  War is Death !  War is Wrong !  Drop your guns,  and get along !


Do Have A Good Day And Strive For Peace.

Jeffrey R Hilton



Sunday, February 26, 2012

Here Comes The Gurkha's

Here Comes The Gurkha's

Written by : Jeffrey R Hilton

Any military man that's ever fought alongside the Gurkha's will tell you they were proud to do so,  as the Gurkha's are both,  a highly respected,  and widely feared,  formidable enemy,  and a valuable ally.  These tribal warrior soldiers from Nepal have a reputation that proceeds them and are valiant,  tenacious,  and hard fighting.  The Gurkha's are associated with the curved Nepalese knife,  18 inches in length, with a 12 inch blade,   called the,   Khukuri  or Kukri  The blades on these knives are forward curving and deliver a deadly and powerful killing machine in the hands of a Gurkha.  The tip of a Kukri,  is as sharp as a needle and so cuts as well as it stabs.

In times past,  it was tradition that if a Khukuri was drawn,  then it had,  to taste blood,  and if not,  the soldier would have to cut himself with the knife to honor the tradition.   As a former Chief Of Staff in the Indian Army once stated,  "If a man says he is not afraid of dying,  he is either lying or he is a Gurkha."   The Gurkha's fought with such ferocity in WWI that they fought to the last man during the battle of Loos campaign,  June-December, 1915,   hurling everything they had against the force of the German Army.

The Gurkha's ,  originally 10 regiments,  fought in many campaigns.  The British Army's Brigade of Gurkha's,  and ,  The Royal Gurkha Rifles was a God send to many of the British's successful campaigns and saved their ass more than once on some of the not so successful ones.  With that,  It's a shame that at some point,   some pompous ass politician in Britain decided that it would be okay to exclude military pensions to any Gurkha's that joined before 1997,  forcing many Gurkha's that had settled in the U.K.  after WWII to return to their homeland. This has since been mostly rectified thankfully,  but it's a bit of a black mark for the U.K. after the kind of dedicated service the Gurkha's have provided to the Crown.

Gurkha's 1923

The Gurkha's of today are widely split between the Nepalese Army,  The Indian Army
Private security firms in Hong Kong,  a long standing service from 1949 with the Singapore Police and for now,  the British are still recruiting,  but in smaller numbers.  This years recruitment saw the British looking to fill only,  176 posts to some 12,000 applicants.  And the British have made many positions redundant, slashing 1000s of them.

To be a Gurkha,  is a title of prestige that doesn't come easy.  A recruit must undergo some of the most difficult training in the world, completing and passing a series of grueling mental and physical tests.  One of these tests is the dreaded doko race,  consisting of an over 3 mile race uphill with a basket weighing 77lbs. ( 35kg )  strapped to their backs containing sand. 

Training For Doko

Recruitment numbers are down in Nepal and this has left many young would be soldiers with few other options other than the Singapore police and private security.  Considering the average Gurkha soldier makes more than 90 times more than a farmer,  farming isn't likely to be an option for most for the many of recruits that don't qualify.

31 yr old Corporal Dipprasad Pun, Awarded The Conspicuous Gallantry Medal
At Buckingham Palace

Corporal Dipprasad,  was manning a checkpoint in Afghanistan,  when it was overrun by the Taliban.  Leaving only himself,  he thought he was going to die,  but was determined to kill as many of them as possible.  When the fight was over,  he had killed all 35 Taliban fighters,   singlehandedly.  The award is second to the Victoria Cross.  This is why the Gurkha's are so highly respected.  These are the guys I want on my side.

In another example of fearlessness,  a 35 yr old,  Gurkha soldier in the Indian Army was travelling home by train after he took voluntary retirement when the train was taken over by 40 robbers who quickly collected 20 gold necklaces,  $400,000 in cash,  40 laptops, 200 cell phones and other belongings.  There fun soon ended as they began to strip an 18 yr old girl,  travelling with her parents with the intention of raping her in front of her parents.  The soldier pulled his Kukri and deftly killed 3 of the men and injured 8 others
causing the remaining bandits to flee,   leaving behind all their loot. The wounded bandits were quickly arrested by the police.

Indian Army Rifles

5th Gurkha Rifles Japan 1946

The Gurkha's had won 13 Victoria Crosses up to 1947,  and 26 in all. for their British service,  and during the two world wars,  43,00 Gurkha's lost their lives.  The Gurkha's are Nepalese warriors originating from different tribes in Nepal.  They are usually small in stature,  but very powerful and quick.  They have been heavily involved with the British, working Afghanistan and are said to have an affinity with the Afghan people,  which helps the British efforts more.  Prince Harry lived with a Gurkha battalion while serving in Afghanistan.

Recently while a Gurkha platoon was sent out to locate a high value target,  ( A Taliban leader )  they were told that they would have to prove they killed the right man. One of the soldiers after a hard fought battle with the insurgents drew his kukri and sliced the head off the Taliban leader to bring back as proof.   Whoops !  that's not quite what we meant, but good job!

During WWII,  a Gurkha soldier involved in hand to hand combat with a German soldier  deftly swung his Kukri at the German,  who yelled,  Jai !  ( Missed )  The Gurkha stood his ground and said to the German,  "Try shaking your head !"   It's also said that Gurkha's would sneak behind German enemy lines where the Germans were lined up in rows sleeping,  the Gurkha's would silently slit the throat of every second man in the row
causing widespread terror and fear among the German ranks.   

Gurkha's Army & Navy 1846

Modern times have caught up with the Gurkha's and women are now asking for the right of joining the Gurkha's.  While it's under consideration,  the majority of the Gurkha's are against it,  and the women wouldn't be allowed on the front lines anyway.  Of course,  all this could change in favor for either side,  we shall wait and see.

Watch this short video tribute to the Gurkha's

Gurkha Soldier

The Gurkha's have a 200 year old tradition serving with the British and the Indian Army  and one can only hope that they continue their tradition proudly.  To be part of an army,  with a reputation of striking paralyzing fear into the hearts of the enemy must be an honor indeed,  and when we pay homage to war veterans every year,  the Gurkha's should always be included and never forgotten.


Thank You

Do Have A Good Day And A Pleasant Night.

Jeffrey R Hilton

Saturday, February 25, 2012

HMS DAEDALUS Lee On Solent, Hampshire, United Kindom

Lee On The Solent,  Hampshire, United Kingdom.

Written by : Jeffrey R Hilton

The HMS Daedalus is a former Royal Navy Air Base, perched on the edge of the Solent in the small town of Lee On The Solent, on England's south coast.   Daedalus got it's start in 1917 as a seaplane base and school was formed there.  It was probably one of the most complete WWI,  airbases of it's time,  complete with 100 acres of hangars and living quarters.  It once came under suspicion of an attack by a large German fleet as they tried to break out of the solent in a bid to head back to Germany.  The defenders did a miraculous job with the minuscule resources available to their disposal at the time to stave off the attack.

WWII Swordfish Were Based At Daedalus

Arrow Points To Scheffenacker Building Where I Worked

Daedalus later became an important main training establishment and administrative center for the Fleet Arm during WWII.  It was attacked again a few times by the German Luftwaffe and about 10 WRENS were killed that were billeted there.  The base was declared surplus in 1996,  no longer needed for defense requirements,  and is now used as a base by The Coast Guard sea air rescue helicopters, the Police aircraft, a glider school and includes the only Hovercraft museum in the world.  There are other companies that occupy space at this base for warehousing and manufacturing.

I lived in Southsea approximately 5 miles from Daedalus and began working there at a warehouse that distributed wing mirror parts to it's assembly factory ( Scheffenacker ) 2006 after moving to England.  I began working there on double day shifts,  and the warehouse itself was originally a huge gymnasium for service personnel,  complete with a genuine Canadian maple floor.  The floor had been stripped out by the time I worked there,  but the stage was still intact,  and the place was somewhat eerie during the night and particularly if you were alone there for any length of time.  A few times,  I thought I saw what I thought was some kind of ghost-like shadows and I was a little freaked out.

Hampshire police manning roadblock at HMS Daedalus 2006

So as my adventures go at times,  it was during 2006 while  working there,  that an eerie and potentially deadly discovery was made during commencement of construction for a new hangar.  As it turns out,  I,  along with many other workers on the former base,  along with the residents of Lee surrounding the base a mile or more each way,  could have been blown sky high !  A 60 ft. long pipe bomb packed with 2400 lbs. of Gelignite explosive was discovered buried in one of the runways.  Further investigation revealed 20 such bombs in total.

The base was quickly evacuated,  roadblocks went up and access was restricted while the bomb removal was continued. 

These bombs were placed there during WWII when the German's threatened the South Coast with a sea borne invasion called Operation "Sea Lion"  The runways were booby trapped with these explosives,  which would be set off by the last man out in the event of an invasion,  rendering the runways useless.  These bombs were then forgotten totally for 60 yrs. and could of self detonated from deterioration or any of the other activities at any time there.  Ironically,  a newly developed,  ground penetrating radar was used to locate all the bombs.

Daedalus Slipway At Hovercraft Museum

At my job,  we had to go on night shift while the Bomb removal experts worked during the day for about 3 weeks.  nearby residents were evacuated from their homes during the removal and a few residents that wouldn't leave,  had to sign waivers saying they understood the possible dangers of remaining. 

Traditional Tow Method Launching

High Tension Cable Glider Launching

Other than little bit of excitement and being connected to a bit of WWII history,  while employed there,   I used to enjoy working at the base, and on tea breaks or lunch,  I would often wander around the base or watch Gliders going up and landing again ,  along with the coast guard helicopters and police planes.  I even saw a few Spitfires land at the base at times.  I reside in Canada again now and don't have to worry about UXBs anymore.


Do Have A Good Day And Not An Explosive One.

Why Not Become A Member Of Good Day/ Bad Day

Jeffrey R Hilton