Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Wheat And The Chaff



Funny how things play out in life.  For instance,  I remember a time early in school when I had a dry spell for what seemed like 3 years to me,  where I couldn't find a pen pal much less a girlfriend.  I spent a lot of time trying to find one to.  A girlfriend,  not a pen-pal.  Of course this changed right after that and it seemed like all of a sudden,   I had a string of different girlfriends and then I got married but not to any of them. I married at 19 for all the wrong reasons and divorced 11 years later.   A few years later I was sucked into the vortex of matrimonial whirlwinds again.  All the warning signs were there this time,  flashing neon  in the night.  " DANGER DO NOT PROCEED"  "YOU'LL BE SORRY "     "STOP !  BRIDGE OUT AHEAD "   Ten years later,  with my second divorce behind me as well as a nightmare from hell,  I crawled out from the ashes and ran....  straight into the arms of another woman... or two,  Then one again,  who became my 3rd wife.  This time would be the last.  Finally a maiden fair meant to be.  And she really was,  all that,  and more.  For all of seven years and now no more.
There is life in love,  albeit sometimes fleeting.  More importantly,  there is life after love and it's important that we pick ourselves up and get on with it while we still can.    


Just a few years ago,  I had no idea that I'd ever be doing this and I had a bit of a shaky start up with another blog site that shall remain anonymous,  but I really enjoy this and am starting to get the hang of it.  I've always wanted to write for a living and if this is a stepping stone to it,   then I'm all for it.  If not then I am still doing something I thoroughly enjoy.   Don't get me wrong.  I know I am still an amateur and subject to make mistakes as anyone does,  but that's how we break new ground and make new discoveries.  I've read hundreds of tips on blogging and the recurring theme is to just keep writing compelling posts and hope to build an increasingly larger audience.  Promote.  Optimize your blog sharing capabilities as much as possible and set aside time each week to start  5 or 6 posts ahead of time just laying the foundation or titles and go back to them to edit and finish them as time permits. Research your topic well and download any picture you might use beforehand and ensuring they are royalty free. is a great source for pictures.  Take an active interest in other bloggers sites.  other than that,  Ensure your spelling and grammar are top notch and  just do what works for you.

I try to vary subject matter to cater to as many peoples tastes as I can,  rather than backing myself into a corner with a niche blog,  limiting myself to one topic,  and especially since I'm not an expert at any one thing.  If you are an expert at something though, by all means,   just blog about that topic. There is nothing wrong with that.  I welcome any ideas on posts you'd like to read and welcome any comments you might have.  If you enjoy this blog,  then please help me promote it by sharing with others, become a member and following me on your favorite social platform.    Find great deals and offers advertised on this site,  only a click away.   It strengthens my position, cause and resolve to make this Blog successful.  Other than that,  just keep coming back and I will try to make it interesting and worthwhile.  Your patronage here is truly appreciated.  Thank You Very Much.


Here is my timely idea for a phone app.  How about an Sat Nav type app for people that are walking through crowds looking down at their phones while texting and not watching where they are going?  It could tell the user to step left or right around an obstacle or person eliminating the collision factor.  Hey;  Bet I don't receive any credit for this app when it comes out next month. 


They say to keep your enemies close and your friends even closer.  There's good reason for that.  Friends and allies are a valuable commodity and you can never go wrong having them or having too many.  True friends listen to what you are saying and will offer you their true opinions unbiased.  You can always ask co-workers or acquaintances for advice or bounce ideas off,  but only  a true friend who knows you well and genuinely cares about your well being will try to steer you away from a bad decision and offer you guidance and even tell you when you are being an ass.  If you have friends and allies then kudos to you  and make sure you let them know how important they are to you as often as they will let you. 


Just a reminder for winter weather driving.  Ensure your lights are on.  Make sure you have an emergency kit so you are prepared for anything. make sure all of your fluid levels are up to maximum.  Check your tire pressure regularly as it can fluctuate with the quick temperature changes.  Give yourself plenty of room to stop and clean the snow off your vehicle thoroughly.  Check latest weather reports and travel advisories for your area before you set out.  If they are unfavorable, then stay home if you can.  Slow down and take your time.  Exercise extreme caution and due diligence. 

Do Have A Good Day And A Pleasant Evening.

                   Jeffrey R Hilton



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