Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Zebra Finches ( Part 2) Finches Indoors

Zebra Finches Indoors

Okay, so I probably shouldn't have written that last post, because; This morning I went out and bought, one  Zebra Finch, ( Cock ),  Cage, Finch Seed, Treats , Bag of Millet Sprays and a toy.
While Finches are usually purchased as pairs lending to their very social nature, if you get one that's very young, it's likely they will adjust to being alone. I say that with tongue in cheek because at the very least, if you have a lone bird, then you should try to interact as much as possible with it, so that it doesn't feel completely on his or her own, and it is recommended they stay in pairs.
I will likely end up buying him a hen to keep him company anyway at some point.
 If you do buy a pair, it's inevitable that they will start breeding as soon as they are mature enough.


If you purchase birds, always buy from the most reputable source available.
Remember that it is only the Male Finches or Canaries that can sing.
Both sexes sing baby songs but as they mature and practice, it is almost always just the males that  develop their songs to be more melodious. Finch songs usually start with a Meep ! Meep ! sound
 just like the Road Runner. They will Beep too.
They can't sing as well as Canaries but they do a good job trying and are very entertaining to watch.

Their requirements indoors are basically the same as they would be if kept in an outdoor aviary, in warmer climates.

Light during the day, preferably sunlight.

Don't keep the cage where a draft is present.

Keep in a secure place where it can't be knocked over or harmed by other pets.

A Cage that is easy to clean and kept clean as this is necessary to help prevent any disease and parasites.
Clean water and Fresh Seed.

Cuttle Bone to provide minerals and a place to sharpen beaks and provide exercise.

A spray of Millet hung in the cage. They love it !

Make sure perches are not right above any food or water dishes.

Offer up a bath at least once a week, ( Cool Water ) putting it in the cage for only a few hours or until you see that a bath has been had. Then remove the bath until next time.
A simple small clay plant pot dish works fine.

Some of the plastic dishes for sale in pet stores I find make the birds a little reluctant to use it as it's usually plastic and not a material that looks natural. The depth usually puts them off as well.

Other than that some love and attention will help them thrive.

When choosing birds, pick ones that are active and have clear bright eyes.
Avoid any bird that has droppings stuck to his vent area as this may indicate sickness.
In a pet store, Males and Females are usually segregated.
Cocks have orange cheeks and are colorful compared to the Hens.

Finches are typically a bird that is not handled or tamed to any degree
but rather enjoyed for the songs they make and their cute looks and companionship.
My little guy got away from me at home when I was trying to get him out of the pet box and flew around and settled on a shelf and flew off again as I tried to catch him landing on the kitchen floor, where I did catch him easily as his little freedom flight tired him out. It's rare that they will bite you when picked up tenderly.
Always be gentle if you need to catch one. Purchasing a net is a good idea, as it's good to have on hand as a last resort when you can't catch them by hand.
It's not usually a good idea to let them fly around the house but some people believe that they need to stretch their wings and enjoy an outing sometimes. If you plan on letting them out. Make sure there are no open windows and try to confine them to one room if possible.

The above cage is a sufficient size for one to two finches.
If you want a pair, then make sure you are ready for the extra work it takes when the babies start appearing.
The Hen can lay up to 8 eggs but the median is 3 to 6 eggs in a clutch.
She will lay one egg per day until the clutch is all hatched.
They often will lay in a food dish if other adequate sources are not available.
It's best to have a natural material type nest in the cage. A small weaved basket or similar.

You will have to purchase Egg Food.
 Mix a little water into Egg Food in a small separate feed dish.
 A glass jar lid works fine or similar lid.
Stir until it becomes like a medium thick paste.
Then put it on the cage floor each morning.
The Finches will do the rest.
Both the Cock and Hen will take turns feeding the babies generally.
Either get a bigger cage if you want to keep another pair or sell the babies to a good home.
Some bird suppliers will buy chicks back from you at a certain age after they are weaned (4-6 weeks) and should never be sold before this.
The parents will probably check out the food dish of Egg Food to see what it is and sample it for themselves before offering any to the brood.
Nature  and Nurture should do the rest and they will start feeding the chicks.
If all this seems like too much trouble you can always gather eggs as they appear and rid of them.
Hens can get burned out after about 5 or 6 clutches.
Finches can live up to 10 years and often don't survive in the wild that long as they are easily picked off by predators.

Do ! Have A Good Day;   Jeff

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