Monday, December 12, 2011

Consumerism Train Wreck

As consumers, we are bombarded through the media daily. Buy this ! No ! Buy this instead. No wait..ours is better !
We can take something to have a good crap and take something if we have too good of a crap. 
We can take something if we can't sleep. We can take something to wake us up after we have a good kip.
We can take something to keep us awake and alert. We can take something if we are depressed and wait !  We can now take something to help the something along we took for depression. 
Don't even worry abut the 100 deadly side effects from dropping dead or having your liver instantly shut down along with your kidneys. It only happens rarely and if you experience any of these symptoms,contact your doctor immediately. Assuming you don't need a call in to a coroner first instead.

We can buy  stuff to take or use for sore throats, coughs, mucous buildup, watery eyes, runny nose, dizziness, motion sickness, anti smoking aids, stomach gas, water retention, bloating, earaches, backaches, upset tummy, digestive aids, lactose intolerance, red eyes, infection, toothaches, hangover, circulation, anti nausea, headaches, incontinence, warts, acne, arthritis and on and on it goes. 

Almost all of these things come with warnings. A lot of these things even work.
Sadly some leave you feeling like you've been had and wasted your money.
Almost none of these carry a guarantee that says they are 100 % effective.
Strange how after you go out and buy all this stuff, that you don't have any money left for food type groceries.

Some of this is so expensive that I suffer in silence instead.
Let's see. If I am lactose intolerant, which I am now, I can take lactose intolerance pills at 12 pills for about 20 dollars. Am I missing something here?
Yes, Milk, because I can't afford that. Or perhaps I could buy a bottle just every once in a while, when I think I can afford it and can enjoy 12 days of milk without getting a severe gut ache. After that, no milk until the next time I want some badly and think I can actually afford it.

For years, myself and many of you, like to smell nice when we go out, so we make sure we are bathed and deodorized and a little perfume or after shave.
But wait ! What about the new movement at healthcare facilities that dictates that you should come unscented. does this mean I should buy backup products for each I use that do not contain scents just for these healthcare visits ? 
Is there unscented perfumes and after shave ?

If it's not new, it's improved. Are there really consumer advocates protecting our interests ? 
Some television commercials are rerun back to back, just in case you didn't get it the first time. 
What about the fact that the volume shoots up during a commercial enough to knock you out of your lazy-boy ? 
I could of sworn I heard that this practice would be curtailed, but I've so far seen no evidence of it.

Consumerism advocates are supposed to protect us from dangerous and misleading ads,improper labeling, useless products and unfair pricing.
Have these people given up or is there just such a mass flooding on the market of these products that they have little and no chance to monitor everything ?
Adverts are becoming a clever and big business that use psychology and subliminal messages to send us to the store like zombies and open our wallets.

In closing. As a consumer be aware and educated. Go with what you know works. Tried and true. Ignore the hype. Read labels.
                                          Do have a good day !
                                                                                            J. R. Hilton


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