Saturday, December 17, 2011

Zebra Finches Indoors Important Update !

Nothing stays the same.
Winston was getting familiar with his new surroundings and vocalizing 
more to us.He still wouldn't go into the nest provided, which was more to do with the fact that I had strips of paper lining it rather than the Timothy Hay that finer finicky Finches and Avian's everywhere prefer.

When I decided to adjust the perches, Winston took this to be a game and when ever I moved one end of the perch up to loose it from the bar, he would land on it each time. and then alight after a few chirps of "Look how clever I am ?" He repeats this trick when ever I adjust the perches.
with that in mind, I thought I would teach him a trick a past pet Cockatiel Kiki used to do for me.

I put my hand in the cage holding a Bic Pen like an outstretched perch and while Winston took flight for a few seconds in a slight panic, he settled on his perch and watched me as I coaxed him softly. Within seconds more he landed on the pen in my hand and chirped. I praised him and he repeated the trick a few more times. Pretty fabulous when you consider that this bird and I have only known each other for two days and Finches are not usually known to be tamed to any degree to my knowledge.
The way I look at it is that it's a new experience for him and stimulating.

That was early in the day. It was later things changed drastically.
Someone else in the household that has never owned any birds before had taken a real shine to Winston since his surprise arrival a few days ago.
So next thing I know I'm standing at the checkout of Pet Smart again with another Zebra Finch cock and a new and bigger cage somewhat resembling a mansion, another nest and a millet spray holder.
Did I mention that it's big enough to hold three mating pairs ?
I convinced her to get another cock because I'm not ready to be a surrogate again just yet.

So, new cage all sorted out with two finches in it, and there they sat on an upper perch in pure silence beside each other.
Winston, wondering over his new cage and his new slightly younger friend,
Watson ! 

By evening they were chirping and beeping up a storm to each other and us.
Winston tried out his old nest with the new hay installed. Watson jumps in with. Watson gets scolded out again. They have tried both nests now,together and separately, and it seems like Winston has taught Watson to ask first if it's alright to share a bunk.
Other than Watson being a bit smaller you can tell them apart because Watson has a few white dot markings on top of his head.

These guys to me, are just like little cartoon characters.
They also remind me of tiny Penguins or mini Toucans with their bright orange beaks or even clowns. Lol.

Mind going on watch for a few minutes while I grab some shut eye ?

Watson stands guard

The New Mansion

Watson cleverly displays his white head markings for you


You are finished with that flash now Dad ? Right ?

Like I said. Nothing stays the same.With that in mind, stay tuned for further updates on Winston and Watson the Zebra Finches and who knows who else might show up ?

In the mean time; Do Have A Good Day !      

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