Thursday, December 22, 2011

Castles For Thought

One of my most favorite things to do in the world. Exploring Castles. It was a lot more doable while living the U.K. Now that I'm back in Canada, it's a lot less of a pastime.
I did however see as many as I could while there, starting in Scotland at Dundonald Castle in Ayrshire near Troon. Ya did your golfers ears perk up there ? As are many castles, it is situated on a hilltop, steeped in history and somewhat in ruin. They have an  amazing glassed in display cases with models of how the hill top looked at different time periods beginning with simple round huts and animal pens and leading to whats left of the present day site. Dundonald Castle is thought to be built in 1371. It was an enjoyable experience but there is little to explore there as it, and the hilltop are small. Sorry to say it only registers a lowly 3 on my Castle Wow Factor.

Dundonald Castle Scotland 1371

It was in beautiful Southsea in Hampshire where I first lived in the U.K. and this is the site of Henry The VIII's castle which isn't really a castle at all but rather a fort. Henry's new pride "The Mary Rose" sank there just off the coast in the solent within view of the castle. It's recovered ruins can be seen in Portsmouth's historic Dockyards nearby,and is really worth seeing along with the rest of the dockyards.
I lived about a 10 minute walk from the castle at the seafront. the picture below is a picture I took during a storm on the day of Spring Equinox. The combination of the high tide and the storm surge was pouring over a bench on the path high above the beach and into the moat of Southsea Castle that day. I had sat on that bench many times in the sun looking out to sea. Blissful !
Castle Wow Factor  Score of 2

Southsea Castle Moat

                       The tunnels below the castle have very low ceilings.

Top Left a Spitbank Fort

Southsea Castle England

Portchester Castle not far from Southsea in Portsmouth's North end is quite unique situated deep into part of Portsmouth Harbor and once a Roman Fort,sits on a huge tract of land.built in 1086, it boasts an intact church and graveyard.
outdoor classical music concerts are held there in the summer.
Castle Wow Factor score 6

Portchester Castle England

Portchester Castle

Portchester Castle

Worn Stairs Portchester Castle

Still in Hampshire England we go across the Solent by Hovercraft from Southsea to the Isle Of Wight. A summer vacation Mecca that boasts many towns and Carisbrooke Castle up the hill from the town of Carisbrooke and I do mean uphill. Anyone would have been bonkers to travel inland to the castle and try to rush up it and over it's many defenses,they would have been too knackered to fight. Having said that, the French did attack it once unsuccessfully.This castle is remarkably intact and of course there is signs of an earlier  Roman Fortification beneath the present castle.
It has a well house with a wheel turned by a team of donkeys that take shifts walking in circles around the well. Carisbrooke is near Newport, the capitol of the Isle of Wight.

Entrance to Carisbrooke Castle Isle Of Wight
Built in 1100
The site of King Charles I's imprisonment and subsequent execution.
The Ramparts can be walked on and they are narrow well worn and scary. I love it.

Carisbrooke Castle

Carisbrooke Castle Entrance
Registers on the Castle Wow Factor Score 9
great place, lot's to see and do.

We leave Hampshire now for Dorset and Corfe Castle and the charming oldy worldly town of Corfe.

Corfe Castle Dorset England

Corfe Castle Dorset near Wareham

Truly a wonder and in bad ruin. Built by William The Conqueror. Unfortunately it was mostly closed off for restoration repairs while I was there. Built around 1066- 1080, the evidence of the 2 sieges against it by Civil War is visible on the outer  curtain walls. The site was in use as early as 978 and it's steeped in rich history associated with King Charles, The War of the Roses.
Castle Wow Factor Score 6

Part of an arched stone gateway and some of the outer walls are all that is left of Bramber Castle on a hilltop in West Sussex. Built in the 11-12th Century, the castle once stood on the coastline but is now about 2 miles inland. There is a lovely ancient church just outside the entrance that is still in use and the grounds themselves lend themselves to lovely picnics and games of Rounders.

Bramber Castle
 Not much to see so, low on the Castle Wow Factor Score 2
Its actually the Church of Saint Nicholas outside the entrance of Bramber that has the wow factor pictured below and once the Castle Chapel.The Castle long gone, the Church stands remarkably unscathed.

Saint Nicholas Bramber Parish Church West Sussex England
 One of my favorites; The Fairy Castle, Arundel Castle in West Sussex.I've toured through this castle twice. It is amazing and still lived in by the Duke of Norfolk and family and associated with Roger DeMontgomery, Empress Matilda. 
Built in 1067 and continually added to over the years to present time.there is a Medieval Tournament there every year and many other activities. Arundel Castle Wow Factor score of 10

Early rendition of Arundel Castle
Arundel Castle on the River Arun
Arundel Castle W. Sussex
The Apartments at Arundel Castle
Dry Moat at Arundel Castle
Defenders of this Castle could rain down 450 arrows a minute on attackers.

The last Castle is also in West Sussex and is now an upscale luxury hotel in Amberley accessible only by reservation. built in the 12th century and fortified in 1377.

Amberley Castle

Amberley Castle

Tree house at Amberley Castle

Castle Wow Factor Score 5

Rear of Amberley Castle

The feelings and vibes you get from these castles and the thoughts they provoke are shall we say, enough to leave you Gobsmacked.
I welcome the chance again to explore more castles in any country but it was a particular privilege to have explored these ones.

Do Have A Good Day As You Make Your Merry Way !

Jeffrey R Hilton

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