Friday, December 30, 2011

Diamonds and Gold

Diamonds and Gold. One a precious stone,  the other a precious metal.  This is about another kind of diamond and another precious commodity that's worth far more than any mineral or stone, precious or otherwise.  Yes,  I'm talking about the "L" word;  Love!. Any kind of love. The kind of love your heart always  has more room inside for.  The love that only your sons or your daughters could share with you.  The love of your partner,  your  girlfriend, boyfriend,  husband,  wife,  your parents or  your grandparents. Let's not forget your beloved pets.  The thing about love is that it's almost never wasted. It's usually welcomed. The receiver almost always benefits from it and reciprocates.  It's a win win!

Lot's of golden moments present themselves when you are raising children.  It's these moments that we keep tucked away in our hearts for later times when things get tough. Our go to, when we need a reminder. Cherish these moments and do guard them, for they are fleeting and life can be fickle.  You are lucky as  some,  never experience this kind of joy.

Appreciate the love of your parents and give it back unconditionally. You are lucky,  some never know the joy of having  parents.  Cliche or not,  you would not be here but for them.

The love of two people that are equally in love unconditionally. These two can be seen and recognized instantly as they walk around together,  locked into each others minds,  blissfully unaware of anyone else's presence.  My heart goes out to these couples and if we could all have that and it could last forever,  wouldn't that be a grand thing.

Love can be elusive for some and to others, they find it too easy. Some,  have many loves over a lifetime and isn't it true about better to have lost at love that not to have loved at all?  Sometimes love doesn't come easy and it's often said with surety,  that love finds you. If you are looking that's it STOP! Let it come to you. It will. Just be ready without expecting it, because just like opportunity,  you have to recognize it when it comes your way.

Opposites attract. While that's very true, I'm not completely convinced that this is going to be a smooth road to go down, but go ahead if that's where love finds you.  On the same token, if two people are too much alike,  that's not always going to be smooth.  What's important is that you both compliment each others personalities and draw from each others strengths and weaknesses while maintaining your own individual persona's.  It's about give and take, learn and grow.  Respect each others beliefs and never try to force your own opinions.  It's about sharing and sacrifice. Deep mutual respect and unconditional love.

Sometimes love is easy to find, but it's not always easy to keep. It needs to be constantly fed like a fire.  Kindness,  admiration,  compliments, adoration,  going out of your way to do something nice or special. Those are the fuels love burns on.

Sure people can also grow apart and love doesn't always last forever. People change their minds sometimes about what they want and who they want. Love has to work two ways or it soon dies.  When this happens accept it gracefully and move on. If it was meant to be, it still would be. As hard as that is to fathom for some,  it's a fact.  The truth is there is always more than one special person out there for you.  It might not seem like it when you're heart feels like it's broken and shattered, but there is life after a broken heart.

One should never pass up the opportunity to show or display love and or affection,  or even a kindness.  Sometimes the smallest acts can have such a major impact on someones life and will always be remembered.

Your Pets.  When's the last time you showed your dog some love and he or she didn't enjoy it or lap it up like a sponge in a bowl of water. Animals love affection and love and are very attuned to it and you,  and it's always returned unconditionally. Most animals totally respond to love and even thrive on it.

I think by now you see where I'm going with this.  Never underestimate the power of love. Respect that power and cherish any love in your life. It might just go against the odds and last a lifetime. If love comes your way,  treasure it,  Not like diamonds and gold but like something far more valuable.

Do Have A Good Day and ah... Spread the Love!      
                                                                                Jeffrey R Hilton

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