Friday, December 30, 2011

What You Don't Know Can Hurt You

From the time we are in school,  we constantly have to arm ourselves with more and more information about all kinds of different things pertaining to living life,  and constantly make decisions that affect it.  With the proper teachers,  decent role models and luck on our side,  We grow and flourish. We also learn as much as possible about what can hurt us or even kill us and we often fall short because of our sometimes reckless approach to life,  misleading information,  bravado, peer pressure, morbid curiosity, naivety  or even our own perversity.

The very government agencies like the FDA and Health Canada,  supposedly in charge of keeping us safe, healthy and helping us avoid chemicals detrimental to our health are instead,  a real and viable threat to us.  With overwhelming medical and scientific findings regarding the  devastating impact ingesting Aspartame and it's brand name counterparts like NutraSweet,  Equal,  Spoonful and Equal Measure is affecting on millions of people, you would think these agencies would be falling over each other to pull this substance,  compared to eating pesticide,  off the market.  personally this scares the hell out of me.  75% of all health complaints now regarding foods are traced back to Aspartame.  There are no warnings on Aspartame containing products.  

 Little old ladies,  your mom and grandmother are being fooled into thinking they are using a healthy alternative sweetener in their tea and coffee,  are slowly poisoning themselves. What about your children, who are probably consuming the lions share of Aspartame contained in candy and soft drinks.  Why isn't the government stepping up to the plate on this ?  Is it because it's election time and no candidate has balls big enough to stir up a pot this large and controversial that would pull the plug on all the big money makers connected to Aspartame?  Have our health agencies mandates and priorities changed?  

When our own leaders sell us out and frequently try to hide information from us that we should know,  and have every right to know,  then we should take action and challenge it.. It's easier to sit in your armchair and take whatever comes your way and accept that things can't be changed,  than to actually get up and do something exceptional about it.  It's people like the latter that make news headlines and become heroes and are always in short supply and high demand these days.        

Most normal people have an inherent sense of right or wrong,  but we are all gamblers that take chances each day and we are prone to make mistakes,  and we do. Short of breaking the law,  there isn't one thing wrong with making a mistake.  It's okay to admit you made a mistake.  It's a good thing because there are no mitigating factors that suggest that anyone is infallible and perfect,  regardless of age, religion, education or creed. If you don't make mistakes once in awhile,  then you are not trying hard enough in life.  As long as we learn from mistakes and strive towards some degree of perfection, we can't go wrong. This should apply to Governments as well.  

 As we get older,  we are armed with lot's of information,  we learned from experience and just living life  but we still need to know a lot more and on a constant basis.  This opens us up to being lazy and making snap decisions that turn out to be wrong. We need to learn and retain an amazing amount of data,  an endless and ever expanding list. It's no wonder we are subject to information overload and need to get away from it all and unplug once in awhile now more than ever.

 With us now being well into the instant info age we turn to the internet and make a lot of decisions based on information we glean there.  The convenience is hard to resist and it's a time saver if used effectively.  Some people naively believe that if they read it on the internet,  it must be true or fact.  This is akin to believing the same to be true by reading it in the National Enquirer. When gleaning information from the net,  make sure you peruse more than a few different sites to compare info on the topic you are seeking to see if they consistently match or contradict each others information.  If so,  compare with more sites on your subject before making any decisions. To most of us this kind of information is just common sense but it still has to be said for the sake of others.

A lot of people and particularly young people seem to take on a sense of invincibility and conduct their daily lives to reflect that.  It's only when they are given a sharp reminder in the way of a health scare that their invincibility is greatly questioned.  Consuming massive amounts of drugs,  tobacco and alcohol can and will catch up with you just the same as overeating,  not wearing protective equipment while playing sports or inactivity will with sometimes severe consequences.

If what you don't know can hurt you,  then be a know it all and educate yourself as much as possible,  whenever possible.  To be well informed is to be well armed.

Do Have A Good Day And Good Health.                


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