Thursday, January 26, 2012

Saving Seniors. Will You Be There?

Saving Seniors, Will You Be There?

Nobody's getting any younger. The population is heading for a drastic change already well under way,  a demographic shift that will see seniors as a larger majority of the populace than ever before.  The population of seniors 65 and over is currently on the rise from between 2000 and by the year 2050, The percentage of seniors will grow to be 147 % of the U.S population,  while during the same period,  the general overall population of the U.S will only increase to 49 %.  

In 2006, 13.7 % of Canadians were 65 or over and by 2056, the number will increase to 
30 %.  The way the present structure to take care of the elderly is set up,  It is headed for collapse as a growing number of older Canadians and Americans retire and younger people are not moving into the workforce to replace many of them, the system will struggle to maintain the funds to support old age with this model.  Surely with the amount of young and talented bright minds out there today,  one of them could come up with a better model than the current failing one that exists today.  I think a percentage of lottery funds should be funneled to be the base for a better improved system to take care of the aging population.  

The problems that plague the elderly are generally the same across the board. What they worry about is that  living skills and abilities diminish causing the need for care and losing the independence that many try to hold onto desperately.  Common health problems associated with age like crippling forms of arthritis, mild dementia and heart problems. The cost of prescriptions and procedures is such that a lot of seniors are foregoing treatment because they can't afford the high cost of drugs and extra billing.  This end result is further strain on the medical system from these seniors developing more serious conditions as a result of not getting treatments and taking prescribed drugs.

The elderly worry about affording medical aids that allow them more freedom and ability.  Insecurity, financial worries and relationship problems with spouses and children are often a worry.  Children with elderly parents, sadly,  often abandon them at a certain age in North American culture.  This causes more strain.  Affording home care is another worry seniors face and the added strain of having to find a care-giving company that only hires top notch qualified personnel and monitors their care givers,  as not all of them give the kind of care the elderly should be afforded and many perform services that are substandard.  it's not uncommon to see bruises on the elderly after a care giver leaves them from rough handling techniques from inexperience or even losing their patience.  Even affording basic necessities to live is a major concern for many seniors.

Seniors residences are turning into big and profitable business's.  Great that more of these places are being built,  but most are upscale and beyond reach of the average senior.  We must change the mindset of government that continually removes or rescinds on fair benefit rates and breaks for seniors and keeps them on the poverty line.  Seniors are often to the target for budget cuts and as always if nothing changes, the same people responsible would never entertain the thought of doing anything as generous and contributing to resolve the situation by taking a pay cut themselves.

Maybe the Government should be run by non profit organizations. Wow would that free up a load of cash to pump into problems that plague us.  Why does North American society not embrace and revere their elderly like other countries do?  We need to adopt the same mindset. Seniors are vastly overlooked as a source of valuable knowledge and wisdom of experience.  And besides,  why not repay the kindness to our parents of bringing us into the world. The sacrifices our elders made to build and defend our countries and rebuild them time after time against the Nazi war machine and other aggressors is nothing less than spectacular patriotism and determination in the face of adversity.  Most elderly war veterans would go to war again if it meant defending their country even in their advanced state of age. Most younger people have no appreciation for the kind of sacrifices their elders continually made to maintain the freedoms we are allowed today.

The whole world needs to learn the benefits of being compassionate not only to their elders but to all of their fellowmen.  In many other countries,  parents move in with their children when they get to old to manage on their own, where they remain until they die. This is a great respect of elders at work and a model every country should follow. Nursing homes are a rarity in Japan.  Would it not be a great accomplishment to be able to say the same of North America?

Let's work together for the future of seniors so they may lead dignified lives after retirement. After all,  you'll be there soon enough!


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Do Have A Good Day And Never Overlook Compassion As A Tool To Achieve Greatness.

                                             Jeffrey Robert Hilton



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