Monday, January 16, 2012

Dogs Are For Life!

Dogs Are For Life

You're either a pet person or you're not.  Whether you own aquatic pets, reptiles, cats,  rabbits,  birds or dogs,   I think you should be commended for being selfless and compassionate enough to take on the responsibilities of owning a pet.  Congratulations You!  We can learn so much from animals.  I've had many different pets, but I've learned that birds and dogs,  but not Bird Dogs,   are my preferred choice of pets,  and it's dogs I would like to speak out about today.    

Border Collie / Shepherd

Hurrah for dogs!  Man's best friend.  Loyal,  protective,  intelligent,  dependable,  loving and often a definitive family member in good standing most of the time.   I've owned more than a few dogs in my life and I don't claim to be an expert on the subject.  What I do know,   has been picked up by experience of ownership,  other people that were more knowledgeable,  books,  TV shows and let's not forget the internet,  and even observing other dog owners.  I figure,  if you are going to own a dog,  you may just as well know everything you can about them to make it a long lasting and healthy friendship beneficial to both parties. 

To get the absolute most out of owning a dog,  you first must match a dogs traits as close to your own personality and lifestyle as you can.   After all,  there's not much sense in buying a Greyhound if you're not much for running,  jogging or walking.  Too many people buy a dog because they like the look of the breed,   and don't take the time to research what's it's best interests are,  and for them,  their will likely be trouble ahead.   If I could count all the times people have told me their Boxer ate their couch or bed after being left inside all day,   every day,   all day for a week with the exception of them coming home at lunch to let the dog out.  Of course they are going to wreak havoc,  A Boxer needs a lot of exercise and structure and if separation anxiety is added into the equation,  those things will happen.  The same thing applies across the board to many other breeds.  It's not fair to many breeds that are susceptible to separation anxiety.

Ideally you should research everything you can about a breed before making any rash,   selfish decisions based on vanity.  To be informed is to be enlightened,  just as always.  Some breeds are markedly more intelligent than others and most are suited to a purpose of which they were bred.  

Me Posing with Harry in Scotland.  An Akita Boxer Mixed breed

Tramp and I.  A Chocolate Labradoodle

Owning a purebred dog can both be a pleasure and a headache and many are over-bred causing problems like hip dysplatia and other ailments to be commonplace.  Owning a mixed breed dog is often a wise choice. Not only do you get the benefits of two distinct breed personalities,  but the benefit of lower cost.  My favourite mixed breed is a Rough Collie / Shepherd Cross.  I love how the two personalities blend together to make a very smart and equally tempered dog.  They are usually beautiful looking dogs to.  A lot of people own mixed breed dogs and they make great pets.
I've had 2 of these dogs,  Laddie and Storm and I'm sad to say I have lost all pictures I had of these two wonderful animals.

Tramp In The Sea

While all dogs need exercise,  some breeds need more than others.  Ideally a dog should be walked out twice a day,  so think about that the next time you think 3 times in one week was taxing.  If you are a lazy laid back person,  then get a lap dog.  Regular trips to the dog parks are essential to help your dog gain social skills.  A good old canine runaround at the park also tires a more active dog out at night so he/she is calm in the evening and less demanding.  Then everyone can relax.

You have the choice to buy a working dog and there are many breeds suited to all kinds of work from farming to pet therapy.  Therapy dogs are picked from certain breeds that are suitable for therapy and trained from puppies.   A suitable puppy candidate is chosen based on a short criteria and a puppy that doesn't seem bothered about being picked up and handled and doesn't squirm much or at all is a good benchmark to begin with.  Assuming he's healthy,  this usually means he will be good with kids and people in general.  You can't have an over-exuberant dog around the elderly or little tykes as both are susceptible to injury easily.

Welsh Terrier

Beware of buying any dogs sourced from a puppy mill.  Always buy from a trusted reputable source.  Rescue dogs are often purchased from the Humane Society and selection is limited to the amount of dogs that are rescued or given up.  Be wary of buying a dog that has been badly mistreated as you will probably need a lot of patience and the dog generally will be terribly shy of humans and human interaction.  Anyone can pick a dog up from the pound with good intentions of saving an animal but be willing to retrain the dog,  re-socialize him and give him or her lots of love and attention.  The latest figures show the Yellow Labrador Retriever to be the most registered breed with the American AKC.  Always keep your pets shots updated.

Be a responsible and environmentally conscious pet owner and always scoop up your dogs mess and dispose of it properly.  That doesn't mean flinging the bag of poo into the bushes or the forest  fields or parks which is a horrible sight seen,   way,  too many times wherever you go these days.

I hope this post was helpful to you,   insightful and that if you decide on owning a dog that it will be a wonderful,  enriching,  lasting experience for you.

And God Bless My Dog Shep!

Do Have A Good Day And Give That Dog A Bone!
                                     Jeffrey R Hilton


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