Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Last Vestiges Of A Sane And Civil World


Written by : J R Hilton

Sometimes we cling onto what we know and what we are comfortable with in life,  and any variations of this can throw us off and make us uncomfortable.  Adaptability is King,  these days,  and there's never been a time when we needed to adapt so quickly and often as we do right now.  Oh sure there are lots of us that don't feel we need to change or keep up with the times and their crazy goings on. These are mostly older people that know that their time left on earth is limited enough that they don't need to worry overly much and will carry on just as they always have.

The fact is that there isn't much that hasn't changed.  Cities have swollen to population sizes that have infrastructures that can't keep up to the demand.  The same people that used to be locked up in mental hospitals are mostly free to roam the streets and carve out some kind of meager existence, usually with Government assistance.  Criminals often have more rights than their victims. Jails are always at capacity or more and parole boards constantly let out offenders to make more room for new prisoners and those released often go back to what they know best and kill again.  

Hidden agendas abound in Government and the private sector that are self serving with roots in greed.  Cost of living pay rises are quickly either becoming a thing of the past or so paltry as to make a mockery of the average person keeping up with the inflation rate.
Companies use WCB to hide behind when a worker gets injured while WCB does an astounding job of blowing legitimate injury claimants away and turning their lives upside down.  I know, I'm one of them.

We have guys like Mitch Romney running for the presidency in the USA.  This guy makes George Bush look like Steven Hawking in comparison.  Not much has changed in Canada.  We are still subjected to the same kind of Governments that don't believe in transparency and let agencies like WCB run their business like the Mafia.  " We are cutting you off, there's nothing wrong with you, and if you don't like it,  well,  just piss off now !  Ha Ha you're screwed, because we can do whatever we like.  

Accountability is out the window these days with many organizations and institutions,  and with many people.  By the time we reach a certain age, we know explicitly whom we can trust and whom we cannot.  Everyone is suspect until they prove otherwise.
When we are young, we have little tolerance for the vagaries of life and other peoples differences,  are strong willed and mostly unyielding to change unless we see instant gratification connected to it.

As we get older we mellow out and become more tolerant of others,  hopefully,  and we see things differently.  We are not so quick to fight for others causes, and more inclined to fight for our own.
Death becomes more of a certain reality and makes some of us wish we could of done more with our lives and reflect on how we would do things differently if we could do them over again.  We reflect on our immortality, and if we can think long enough and hard enough we discover a kind of second chance that's always been there,  but we used life's inconsistencies as an excuse for not thinking we could have realized this earlier.  

That's the thing about life,  death,  is the only time it's truly too late to start over and do it better.  At least as a mortal. We are always stronger and more resilient than we think we are.  We go through tragedies,  misadventures,  and endure great failures and at some point, we get back up and dust ourselves off and go on our way.  
While not everyone does this or does it well, we all have the power to do it.  Without failure, successes would be little or non existent.
Life is all about trial and error.

I believe we have passed a milestone in life of gross excesses and economies worldwide are now suffering and crumbling.  Of course in some countries the excesses were only shared by the heartless murderous regimes that ran them,  but in the Western world,  excesses were enjoyed by the masses.
Having so many countries in the EU with different views and goals,  all connected to the same monetary system is proving to be baptism by fire.  Trouble is,  all these economies including our own,  are connected one way or other and have worldwide repercussions.

The present days state of affairs is nothing to brag about.  If you're still with me here, I cannot resist a chance to voice my displeasure with the way other countries are handling the crisis in Syria. It seems everyone's afraid to do anything about it and when in these modern times ethnic cleansing is being perpetuated on a scale of what is going in in Syria,  this raises serious questions.  Where the answers to these are is a mystery.  

Conspiracies are alive and well still to this day and more are coming to light all the time.  Kudos to the many people that expose these.  Corruption always hides behind whatever and whoever is willing.  There is still hope for humanity,  but how much and how soon is anyone's guess.  We just have to keep on going and keep trying and be willing to fail before we succeed.  Bottom line keep trying and try harder.  Expect change,  and embrace it.  Never stop fighting for what you believe in.




Jeff R Hilton

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