Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Dispelling Health And Wellness Rumors

Dispelling Health And Wellness Rumors

Written by : Jeffrey R Hilton


We as ordinary folk,  often are mislead by advertising that's less than truthful,  and even our own Government's and the agencies they provide that are supposed to protect us,  fall short of achieving their true mandate.

Let's start with Hand Sanitizer's.  Most if not all companies that sell hand Sanitizer's to the general public,  make the claim that the product kills 99% of germs.  This claim is only partially true,  which in my mind is false advertising  misleading and causes people to put their faith largely in these products,  causing them to spend more money unnecessarily and unwittingly jeopardizing their bodies
own natural defenses.

The makers of these products achieve being able to make that kind of claim because testing of the product is undertaken on inanimate objects,  and not on people.  Testing may also be completed in controlled situations with constant variables.  In the real world things are different and the hands are a living warm environment susceptible to invasion by germs and bacteria from outward sources.

Don't be sucked in by false claims

Sanitizer's strip the outer layer of your hands natural oil from the surface,  usually preventing your bodies own bacteria from coming to the surface of your skin.  However
this type of bacteria is not of the variety that can cause illness,  and in fact,  regular use may promote more bacteria on your skin than you would normally have.  The only ingredient hand sanitizer contains that kills germs effectively is alcohol.  It also dries the skin out badly which is why a moisturizer is included in the product.

Sanitizer's do not reduce present bacteria on human hands.
Soap and clean water has always been most effective in eliminating harmful bacteria,  and sanitizer should never be used to replace soap and water.   Anti Bacterial Soap,  of the kind offered to the general market,  and aside from the types used in hospitals,    is another misleading product.  Frequent use,  inhibit's the body's proper immune system reaction.  Once again,  there is nothing like a good scrub with ordinary soap and hot water.

Aspartame,  this stuff is being pushed at us and often consumed without us even realizing.  Aspartame is a deadly silent killer.  If anyone reading this thinks that Monsanto is your friend and beneficial to the health of mankind,  then you'd be seriously misinformed.

Aspartame is toxic and causes cancer,  can induce coma in diabetics,  can harden your brain and even cause Lupus.  It can cause your body weight to increase from the addiction of carbohydrates,  and new discoveries are being made with leaps and bounds that uncover new health related problems stemming from aspartame use.  end of story,  period.  The deadly effects of ingesting aspartame are being put to task and coming to light more and more lately.  Thank Christ for that,  it's about time.  I've harped about the dangers of aspartame for quite awhile now,  and have watched with interest for any new developments to surface in regards to recent and up to date studies.

They studies are coming on more frequently to the point of some health agencies changing the warning on this deadly product from not harmful to harmful if ingested in large quantities.  This is brilliant news,  and a step in the right direction.  A truly good day will be when this poison is outlawed and banned altogether for human consumption.
Please share this post and spread the word any way you can to educate loved ones to avoid aspartame containing products.  You will be glad you did and glad I told you if you didn't already know.

Watch this latest informative news video



Do Have A Good Day And Good Health.

Jeffrey R Hilton


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